Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Today is November 11 - the Day we remember those that have given their lives to protect our freedom, our way of life and our future.

While in Germany this day marks the beginning of "Fasching (Karnival)", a time for parties and celebrations, we remember and celebrate those that were killed by War and Terror.

As an FYI - for those that dont know - I am Jewish. Born and bred in Germany as a Jew. PROUD to be Jewish!!

60 years ago, thousands of young Canadian, British, US, French, Polish soldiers and soldiers of numerous other countries fought and died to preserve my right to BE Jewish.

Actually, without their sacrifice, I may not be here and thus neither would be my daughter, or my brother and his daughter.

You see, my mom's family hails from Poland. From a little Staettel (village) from near what is now called Ivano-Frankovsk, Ukraine. They were orthodox Jews, miller's to be exact. My grandfather, grandmother and Uncle survived the war under the most difficult circumstances and by the skin of their teeth. They hid in the woods, survived a Nazi termination squad by the fact that Germans quit working at 5pm (or so the story was told to me) and lived in constant fear of being deported to concentration camps. We lost numerous family member in those Concentration Camps or lingering in Ghettoes throughout Poland and Germany.

I hope that one day my daughter will read this and understand that without the sacrifice of the soldiers of the world, who fought in World Wars I and II and all the subsequent wars since 1945, willing to give their lives to free the world from terror, she would not be alive.

So, to all the families of those who fell and the soldiers who fought and still fight, no matter the war, no matter the place:


In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields. Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
(Lt.Col. Dr. John McCrae 1872-1918)
the picture above is copyrighted to ME - Mark K. (yes i took it!)

Friday, October 30, 2009

Ending a relationship

There come a time in one's life when the most difficult decision become even more difficult when it involves those you love.

This decision is not a spur-of-the-moment decision but a well thought out, beat-yourself-up-over-and-over, heart wrenching decision that shouldn't have to be but needs to be made nonetheless.

Such a decision has been made.

My wife and I have decided to separate.

I will not go into details on this blog as this is, with all due respect to all of you who read our blogs and are our friends, a private matter that belongs to us, not the world. Lets just say that it has been a long time coming and has been a decision that is best for our daughter and us.

Especially our daughter.

We have decided that the best way to separate is amicably and as friends. After all we shared the same life for the last 7 years. The baby will continue to enjoy both our love to the fullest although both Baby and I will have to get used to the fact we wont see each other every day.

For now I will continue our other blog, though I wont be as frequent as I would like to. I will continue to haunt my wife for updates, pictures and anything else I will miss while not around my fdaughter and of course I will have my time with her too - lots of it (part of the deal!)

Please do not feel sorry for us. As I mentioned, it was a long time coming.

We are of excellent health, love our daughter and each other. So no need to feel sorry for us.

Shalom (Peace)

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Judgement Day

OK - I admit it - I LOVE watching American Idol. Just the singing competition, the rest is boring as hell!

This year's American Idol produced, amongst others, an amazing Talent called Adam Lambert. Pretty much from the beginning I was fascinated by this young man and his absolutely out-of-this-world pipes! I even favorite a couple of his songs because every time I watch the videos over they give chills and make me feel REAL good!

Well, not that it wasn't obvious from the first audition, but Adam is gay. He came out officially a few days ago but it was really a no-brainer!!!

But here are two facts that scare me to death. I mean we are in the 21st Century, supposedly out of the Barbaric phase of humanity and into the more evolved enlightened, technological age of humankind.

Then why the heck is it such BIG news that a young man is gay? Why does Adam have to be judged for being homosexual rather then being judged for his amazing talent!?

For that matter, WHY is it that someone who is so obviously gay like Clay Aiken (runner=up on Idol a few years ago) has to wait years before coming out because he was afraid his career wouldn't take off if he'd reveal his homosexuality!!!

I read in numerous articles that Adam lost this years final because he was gay. Because he was goth. Because he was a rocker. Because, because, because................

How stupid is THAT? The guy was BY FAR the best singer in the competition. BY FAR the best entertainer. And BY FAR had the cutest smile (I am not gay but boy that smile made me

Apparently, and again I read that and watch an entertainment video on CNN about this, he didn't come out during the competition because he was afraid of the negativity perceived in being gay and that he would be voted off because of that.
Are we as a people THAT SHALLOW? Are we, the 21st century human race, still THAT homophobic, that we can not see beyond a persons preferential life choice and only see the talent and joy this person brings to our miserable lives?

Adam also revealed that he had a crush on the winner, and his room mate throughout the competition, Chris Allen. Chris is straight and married. SO WHAT!? Didn't we all at one time or another have a man-crush on someone? Heck, i still look at men sometimes and think, he's hot! It's NATURAL! Doesn't mean I act upon my thoughts. Just means I am MAN ENOUGH to admit that other men are good looking and even HOT! (OK - I am jealous of underwear models and their 6-packs!!)

We are all judgemental bigots in some way or other. I am usually when I am driving. I become a racist, finger showing, obscenity shouting moron when behind the wheel. Heck, this blog entry is judgemental because I am judging those that judge!!

But, I don't make anyone afraid that their career is in jeopardy because the can't drive. And that is what we in North America do to those in the spot light!

We should take a page out of the life styles in Europe. There is lots of judging in Europe, I am certain of that. But compared to the Dutch, Germans, French, Italians, Swedes or any other European country we in North America are still colonials!!!!

If you have to judge, judge the voice NOT the man!