I have been diagnosed with ADD (Attention Deficiency Disorder).
I have always wondered how someone so intelligent (no its true..my IQ is very high!! LOL) has so much trouble with the basic functions of life. I have bad memory, I am very impulsive, I am constantly fatigued, I cant sit still, get easily bored and cant listen to a conversation without interrupting. Those are prime ADD symptoms.
I sort of diagnosed myself initially. After I was laid off I decided to attend a self-employment program through E.I. and was apprehensive about going back to "school". So I looked back at my life and realized something isn't right.
I grew up in Germany and the German school system is tough. I MEAN TOUGH!!
I remember having at least 10 different prime subjects per high school year (such as Math, Latin, German, Physics, Chemistry, French etc), and than some electives (such as Music, Social Studies and Economics).
I was always interested in certain subjects and did extremely well in those. Especially History, Economics, PhyEd, Geography, English, any social studies really, even Biology I excelled in.
But I couldn't get a D (!) in Math if I'd study for 1 week without sleep. I couldn't get a D (!) in Latin if I had been born with the language. And there were many more. I struggled to pass my years from the moment I hit Grade 2 really. Looking back I think I was just bored with school in Germany. It's rigid! I mean "concentration camp" rigid!!!! I am NOT joking here!!!
Back in my days you were still slapped in the kisser or pulled up by your ears if you did something the teacher didn't appreciate (like reading comics under the table..lol).
I rebelled against that rigidness. And I paid for it dearly. I was expelled. After sitting out 2 years in business school where I again struggled mightily, my dad arranged for me to go to Berlin and enter an apprenticeship program.
I did extremely well at the practical part for the apprenticeship but failed miserably at the theoretical part. School again. Only the effort of a family friend, whom I love like a father, helped me pass.
I than moved to Canada.
Instinctively I have learned to live with the disorder, and now - in my 44th year of living - I am finally at peace knowing that all my struggles in life did not come from being an idiot savant but by suffering from a disorder that in the days of my childhood was barely known never mind diagnosed.
Treatment has started and with GODs will and some luck I will be fine. I don't think I will ever be healed. But I will live with my disorder and embrace it as part of who I am!
And I think I am pretty darn awesome!!!! (lol)
It's amazing how people have learned to cope with actual medical issues for years. It's also amazing that people don't have to anymore. We honestly believe if my husband was a kid today he'd be diagnosed as a high functioning autistic.
I no several people that are adult diagnosed ADD and medication has absolutely helped.
As an adult you've found was to cope on your own, but once the weight is lifted I'm sure things will feel a ton better. There's always side effects, so you may find it's worth them while others find it's not worth the side effects (just like anything).
Having this knowledge will also help with things to look for in T as well.
I'd love to hear a follow up and see how it worked out for you.
I want to put Sydney into the traditional (or fundamental school, depending on the district) cuase its so much closer to schools in Europe. Local schools are lenient. Ty Pennington from the Extreme home makeover has ADD too and he made it real far
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