Friday, December 07, 2007

Back to being 14 again :-)

A couple of days ago I went to the VAN HALEN concert in Vancouver. Its been 25 years since i saw them last (1982) and It was AWESOME.

I felt like being (ahem) 16 again!!!!

I wish I had the energy these "old farts" on stage have! Eddie rocked the house like he did back in the days with his amazing guitar solo's, riffs and bicycle kicks. He had a 20 min solo that left everyone with drooling, wide open mouths and wanting more! David Lee Roth ran the stage and energized the crowd like he was 25 again. Alex hit the drums like mad possessed, culminating in a solo that made my old drummer heart want to pick up the sticks again! It made the crowd go mad!
And then there was Wolfgang - Eddies son, who filled in on bass guitar! He was amazing! Looked like he belonged for decades not for a few months.

Oh did help that the entire section we were sitting in was smoking pot! Though I didnt participate (as I have never done drugs!) I am still HIGH two days later~!!!

What a great rush! After all the stress and trouble over the last few months, to turn 16 again - even for only 3 hours - was worth getting high over!!!!