Friday, March 31, 2006

Racism in the 21st Century - still alive and kicking!!

The other day I stumbled upon an article of maybe 6 or 7 lines on a major Canadian's Sports network's website regarding a Nigerian soccer player being investigated for making the "Hitler salute" at a German Fourth Division match-up.

[FYI: To render the "Hitler Salute" is illigal in Germany and carries a jail term if convicted!!]

Adebowale Ogungbure was taunted and assaulted by fans of Halle FC throughout the match and when he left the pitch, Ogungbure rendered the straight arm salute in return .

When iI researched the subject I came upon an article from Italy about a star player from Lazio FC, their captain Paolo di Canio, who celebrated scoring a goal by flashing the "Hitler salute" to Lazio's far-right wing fans.

I also remembered an article I read about British Holocaust denier David Irving, a writer of Historcal Non-fiction, who has been found guilty in court of his crime of the Denial.

(I am sure there is trillions of other cases, incidents and stories about racism but those three are the ones that are good examples.)

We are all guilty of racism, no excuses here. We drive on the road and swear bad words at another driver, like "you stupid person from some pacific-rim country" or "you dumb woman" or "you stupid non-white idiot". WE have all done it in some way or other.

And as much as i do NOT condoan that kind of behavior (i am probably one of the worst racist drivers in the world) it does NOT compare to what is going on around the world when it comes to racism and intolerance.

Neo-Nazism in Europe, genocide in Africa, religion motivated wars in the Middle East, racial discrimination in North America, murder in South America. It seems the only continent not affected of racism is the Antarctic - but that is probably because its too friggin cold there!!!!!

Why is it that the Human race can not learn from Millenia of discrimination? Aren't 6 million Jews, millions of Gypsies, Homosexuals, mentally handicappe, Asian-Americans and other minorites annihalated and discriminated by the Nazis, Soviets and Americans during the 1940's enough?
Aren't millions of Tutzi's massacred in Africa enough?
Aren't the tortures and killings of those that believed in progress, practitioners of different believes or just plainly because they were there to be tortured and killed throughout the centuries enough?

What does it take for Human kind to wake up and smell the ovens?

It pains me sometimes to admit that I am racist. Being Jewish I have NO RIGHT to be racist! NONE! I should be ashamed and I am. But it has been engrained in my DNA throughout the existance of Homo Sapiens and as much as I try - I return to those biological roots everytime I drive my car!

So maybe it is time to try and change our DNA. Animal and plants will adapt to environmental changes as they occur. So maybe us Humans can do the same.

I have been trying hard to change my attitude while driving - both because my wife hates it (though like me sometimes she swears like a dock worker when we encounter a bad driver) and because when we are blessed with kids I want to make sure that they grow up NOT resenting anyone based on race, believes or societal status!

I am sure that if we start teaching our kids that a black person isn't a N....., or an Asian person isnt a C...., a Jew isnt a K..., an Irish isnt a Paddy, and a Pole isnt a Polak we will be changing the future! And if we teach our children the violent History of Mankind, we will at least have made an effort to teach them to LEARN from this History and maybe, just maybe NOT repeat it!

And by not repeating our mistakes, our children and their children will make this world a better place!!!


Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Why be afraid of the unknown? There aren't too many adventures left!!

After days of being to busy to write (my company moved to new digs) I finally have a few minutes to myself. So I went on Flickr and checked out the pix of a Flickr friend whose photography I adore!

She told me weeks ago she would get a puppy and knowing I had Hershey she asked me a few questions, which, of course, I gladly tried to answer.
Today I went on her blog, which like her photography is awesome, and there was a little entry about being scared and not knowing if she could handle a pup.

Well J. , let me tell you the story about me and my first pup - Hershey aka "The Hersheynator" [pix available on]

When I met my wife almost 4 years ago she told me she had just bought her first own dog. She had always had dogs through her parents but never one on her own. Being an animal lover (I had a cat at the time) I of course was delighted to having met a fellow animal lover.

On our first date, M. brought two photo albums of this little brown creature and his first 3 month on earth. The next date, 2 days later, she brought him with her. We met at Starbucks to go to the Sunshine Coast for some photography and her roommate had Hershey outside while M. got her coffee. I got out of the car and Hershey, all 10 lbs of him, rushed me and jumped on me. It was love at first sight. All my worries about having a potential girlfriend with a dog were at that point gone with the kisses Hershey gave me.

We had a wonderful date, with the dog of course being center stage the whole time.

As things progresses with M. and me, I took on more responsibility with Hershey. M. moved in and so did the little rascal. I was terrified about having a dog. I never had one. I had Tye the Cat, a whole bunch of fish years ago and when I was 12 I had to birds. That's IT!
I had absolutely NO idea what to do with him. Sure I can play with him and walk with him. But scooping poop? What if he eats something and throws up? What if he gets into a fight? WHAT???!!!

You should have seen me the first time I tried scooping poop! M. is still mockingly laughing about it. To say the least I was barely able to turn the bag inside out. All the poo almost landed back on ME!

And then there was the time when he had to go pee so bad we saw yellow fluids in his eyes. We were driving along 16th Ave and were almost home so I thought he would be ok. Next thing I know he jumps up on me (while driving 80km/h) and a second later I felt warm and wet down my pants. M. - don't you dare laugh!!!!!

Over the years however I realized that taking care of a dog is as easy as taking care of yourself. Nothing to it. Animals are extremely forgiving creatures. They love you regardless.

So J - don't be scared. Follow your instincts and treat Utah the same way you want to be treated. Give him all the love you can but not all the food he wants!! Take him for walks and plays, to doggy parks and on occasion to bed with you. Never forget to take 1000 pictures a day.
And in the end you will experience something that few people experience - true and unconditional love!!


Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Where has all the professionalism gone? Or was there ever any!!??

Here we go again - a rant that includes the Vancouver Canucks. I wonder if there is any team in the entire world that gets people as riled up to rip em like the 'Nuckleheads?!!!

There was a report yesterday/today that the team, which is on a terrible losing streak and completely underachieving, had two team meetings yesterday. One with the coaches and one players only.

wat wit dat?? TEAM meetings?

Think this scenario: I am calling my boss today and tell her I want to have a meeting to discuss the possibility that I may want to show up for work tomorrow but by all means make sure you pay me at the end of the week!

Am I missing the point here? These so-called "men" earn 7 and 8 figure salaries per annum and need an invite to come to work??? What's next....Spoon feed them? Change their diapers?

Another scenario: my workplace has gone thru some major changes the last year and I am to move this weekend. There is a person at the other location who is supposed to handle things. I am supposed to be in the loop on anything concerning my division - especially my new PC needs setting up and my workspace needs organizing!
This person has stood me up twice now, has not answered any phonecalls or emails and basically is ignoring me - wow, sounds just like internet dating!!!

Why is it that certain individuals believe that professionalism is just a word?

hey, as long as my paycheck comes in every two weeks why should I care about my job? Should I not do just enough work not to be suspected of not doing my job? Am I that naive?

I take pride in the way I do my job. I pull plenty of overtime and late nights (to the rightly deserved chargrin of my wife), get to work early every day to tie up lose ends and organize my day, seldomly get a lunch because I don't like leaving a client waiting and have worked MANY a day sick or with some kind of banged-up body part.

Why? Because I believe in earning my $10/h!! I was raised that way - you earn the right to spent it! (again my wife chargrins - I am spending TOO much!). But I believe that I earn the right to make me a present here and there for getting up at 5 am and coming home at 530 pm. And I believe that my wife earns the right to spent our money for taking care of our house. And I believe that my parents earned the right to spent their money, because THEY sure earned it! And I have no problem with ANYONE spending their well-earned money!

But it MUST BE EARNED! to make US$5 million a season and then show up every other month is theft. Plain and Simple. Ok, have to admit - if the GM of the Canucks is stupid enough to pay someone who doesn't work HE should be fired too! (Heck - get the entire team fired and buy a decent curling team - because right now curling is more interesting to watch then the Canucks!). Nobody expects professional athletes to have great days every day. I don't expect anyone to be 100% every single day. But MAKE AN EFFORT!

Somewhere along the line some people have to learn that being a professional means working HARD every day - even on a bad day - to earn a paycheck.

Or even more important: earn the respect of those that make bare minimum to survive because they didn't have the talent or the education to be a hockey player or a doctor.

Have a wonderful day! :-)

Friday, March 17, 2006

Happy St. Patrick's Day, Marky!!!

On the occasion of St. Paddy's Day, I am dedicating todays blog to Mark and Adrienne in Dublin, other then my wife they are my best friends!!

This is the story of a unique friendship that will celebrate its 12th year this year. Who would have thought that a two people from vastly different backgrounds could become life-long best friends!!

I met Marc in Victoria in 1994. I had just moved there with my then partner after a failed business venture and found work as a driver for a courier company. Marc, who had just moved to Victoria from Dublin via a 6-month stint in Edmonton, joined us about 3 weeks later (I still wont let him forget I had seniority!! hehehe).

From the first day we were inseparable. There was just something about the both of us that fit perfectly. It seemed sorta weird too with our different backgrounds but it sure worked. We spent a lot of time together, him and Ade and me and N.

In 1995 I moved away from Victoria to 100 Mile House/Williams Lake to start a new job.
We kept in contact and Marc and Ade even came and celebrated my 30th birthday up there with me and my family.
Unfortunately Marc also told me that they decided to move back to Ireland. I was honestly sad to see them go back. I was sure this was it for our friendship! Why would they be concerned with a guy thousands of miles away when they have family and friends back at home in Dublin!!

then out of nowhere Marc called me 2 month later. He apologized for being a stranger for so long but it took him and Ade some time to get settled! I was flabbergasted to say the least!!!!!

We kept in constant contact - at least a phone call every 3 month or so, lots of emails, and the occasional letter!

Then in 1998 my dad became ill and I went over to Europe to be with my parents. I decided, however to make a little detour and visit Marc and Adrienne in Dublin. I have always been fascinated by the Irish culture and Dublin was #1 on my visit-a-place-in-the-world-I-haven't-been-to-yet list.

In my life I have never EVER had been welcomed like I had in Dublin that first time. Heck, even the fourth time but that's a different story!
Marc picked me up and walked me straight to the Airport pub. Guinness #1 and 2. ON the way to his new house we stopped at a wonderful pub. Guinness #3, 4, 5 and 6.
When Adrienne finally arrived home from work we went out for a dinner and......yup...Guinness #7 and 8. I slept AMAZINGLY well that night!!!
(a TIP: if you are in jet-lag....drink a few pints of Guinness before bed time...NO JET-LAG!!!)

The next night Marc and Adrienne decided to get everyone together with all friends. What a party it was. When we got to Ade's sisters house her parents were sitting on the couch. This was to be my first meeting of two of the grandest people I ever met (I met two more years earlier in Victoria - Marc's parents!). Ade's Dad got up and shook my hand. Her mother got up and gave me a HUGE bear hug and a wonderfully wet kiss on the cheek and in utter delight announced "So you are the Canadian Mark - welcome to the family!"
I have never met people who welcomed me THAT wonderful EVER! (no offense to family friends I have since I was born!)

anecdote time: That weekend I was invited to their house for the weekly Brown Gathering. I tell you, there is no such thing as getting sick of parties in Ireland!! Every single one is unique and A BLAST!
As it turned out it was also the weekend of Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah. We were sitting at table for brunch and Marc rose, lifted a glass of wine, looked at me and toasted me a "Happy Jewish New Year". The entire Irish-Catholic (and practicing too!!!) clan rose and toasted me for Rosh Hashanah. That I was touched is an understatement!!!

For many years after Marc would come visit me on occasion and I went over when I could.

Then I met Michelle, fell in love and we decided to get married. There was never any doubt who would be my best man!

Last year, April 15, 2005 (civil ceremony) and April 17, 2005 (Jewish Ceremony), Marc stood by my side when Michelle and I said our vows in Prague, Czech Republic. To have my best friend there by my side made the most special day of my life a little more special!

Marc - here is to FRIENDSHIP!


Thursday, March 16, 2006

Loyalty - is it just a word nowadays???

I am listening to Vancouver's leading sports radio, TEAM 1040, yesterday (i listen to it always on my way home) and all they can do is pad their backs for outbidding CKNW 980 for the broadcast rights of Vancouver Canucks hockey games.

Congratulations guys! i mean it! well done! awesome! i wont have to flip stations anymore when i cant watch the game but have to listen to it. Its always a pain to remember that the pre-game show is on 1040 and the game on 980. Now i dont have to switch channels anymore.

Hold on! There was a message here. Oh yeah! LOYALTY!

CKNW held the rights to the Canucks broadcast for 35 years! 3 5 Y E A R S!! They produced a Hall-of-Fame broadcaster in Jim Robson, a tradition of excellence in sports journalism and first and foremost - a HUGE fan base! listening to the radio during a game was always fun - Robson's sidekick, Tom Larscheid, as annoying he may be, was always good for some kind of childlike dumb remark that would infuriate my senses (he is still doing it - with John Shorthouse as play-by-play man!).
My favorite was always the greeting Robson and Larscheid would sent to those that couldnt attend it or even see it on TV - the blind, the shut-in's and the sick!
It was like joining a family for 2-3 hours every broadcast night.

And after all that time and tradition - MONEY talks. The TEAM mother station CHUM paid over CDN$1 million (i think i read 1.3 but i dont want to be quoted on that!) for the rights to broadcast Canuck games for 6 years. CKNW paid $665ooo last year and either couldnt or wouldnt fork out millions (My guess is a bit of both).

Here is my question: are the Canucks so money hungry that they would forgoe tradition and loyalty over a measily 700 grand? Is that fanchise in such desperate need of cash that they would walk over a company that has supported the team thru good times and bad???

I see this trend more and more for a while now: Loyalty and tradition means NOTHING! They are two words that happen to be in the dictionary but their meanings have been forgotten.

Large corporations and also small business are now more focused on getting rich or richer then treating those that worked their asses off to make them strong with the respect they deserve. In todays society the average a worker stays at their job is what - 3 years? maybe 4?
heck - i worked at places for a month and quit because i found something better!!!

But what does that say about our society!!! How do we explain to our children that honoring someone who's old and wise just because they are old and wise?!! Respect has to be earned but should it not also be just given based on experience?
Should i teach my children that it is ok to make friends of all races and believes but also teach them to make sure and turn their backs when those friends are in desperate need of their help??!!!

I am a big fan of the TEAM 1040, i listen to their morning show driving to work, their evening show driving home and sometimes even during the weekend just driving around. And i truly congratulate them for the heist of the century!!!! nay, the MILLENIUM!

But my already shaky respect for the Vancouver Canucks has taken another hit! I am appalled by the way that fanchise is treating their traditions - and if you can't and won't respect your traditions, then you dont respect your fans!

Loyalty and tradition are top priorities in MY life. And although i dont expect every person to share my view - i hope that i will raise my children with a sense of both - because if i didnt - i would have failed as a parent!


Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Are physically challenged Athletes not worth the journalistic effort????

So, I am reading the paper as I do every morning - i admit its the Province, they have the best sports coverage!!. I read the Sports first as always - and I noticed that hardly a line dealt with the Paralympics (Olympic games for physically challenged athletes!) going on in Turin right now.
There are 3 pages on the Canucks and the fact that a bunch of overpaid sissy-poo's can't get their asses in gear (but that's for another rant), a column by some local sports celeb (Dave Pratt), who's views on sports rival those of Paul Martin's views on politics (they both make NO sense and are totally annoying!!), curling, a little bit of tennis, some minor hockey coverage, lots of US sports coverage (baseball, football, basketball), the NHL scoring stats of all players (like who really cares that Ryan Flinn played 2 games and had nothing but 5 PIM's?) and two pages of the same stats we just read about in long columns, just neatly columned for better viewing.

In the middle of all that is a 3/4 article about the paralympics. I almost missed it too...I thought it was about the FIA season! When I read the article, it turned out to be more the profile of an athlete then coverage of THE event for those with physical challenges. As much as there is nothing wrong with profiling our athletes, do it BEFORE the games start. I want to know what they DID over there.
All I found was 5 lines about Canada blowing a lead in wheelchair curling and that we have 3 medals - 1 G and 2 S.
During the "regular" 2006 Turin Winter Olympics we had coverage of every broken toe nail our athletes had. We had stats, articles, profiles - heck we even knew what color underwear Cindy Classen wears.

So why cant we give our paralympics the same coverage? Are we as a society so turned off by someone who's blind, an amputee, a paraplegic or otherwise physically challenged? Are we so afraid of being "politically incorrect" that we dont DARE cover the event? G-D forbid we call a one-armed athlete a one-armed athlete!!!!!

I am annoyed at the fact that our Vancouver Canucks can get more coverage then the coronation of a new pope - heck - we had camera's fixed on a little chimney waiting for some smoke for days!!! (no offense to anyone catholic). Here, all the local media (TV, RADIO and Newsprint) can talk about is how much the Canucks suck. Well, newsflash...they suck for the last 30 years!

i am a HUGE canucks fan - but i am also a SPORTS FAN! I was driving to work the other day and two of our local sports talkshow hosts were ranting about the fact that if you like hockey but dont like college basketball you are NOT a sports fan but a HOCKEY fan.

As a SPORTS FAN i want to hear and read about our countries athletes over there doing something extraordinary - competing against other extraordinary men and women who beat all the odds that life has thrown them!!!

Guys, Gals - my head is off to you!


Monday, March 13, 2006

What's the greatest payment in the world? - A SMILE!!!

This weekend i finally managed to keep a promise i made to a kid i sorta kinda decided to Big Brother.
The boy is 11 going on 12 and the son of my father-in-law's nephew. He has a learning disability that prohibits him from accessing any knowledge he gains in a continuous matter. It comes out all scrambled. Because of that he feels "stupid" and has been harrassed in school as well. He feel VERY comfortable around adults who understand his plight. Kids can be so brutal - especially pre-teen who dont understand something due to immaturity.

A few month ago we went over to P. and M.'s new place for a house warming party. I brought my digicam to take pix of everyone there. T. saw it and in his 11 year old enthusiasm bugged me until i gave him the cam. He shot until the battery was empty.

When i got home and downloaded the pictures i was stunned to discover that T. did an amazing job. He instinctively shot at the right angle, the right light and perfectly framed. When i emailed the pix to his parents i asked them if he had ever done any photography and they said "no".
i was amazed!

now i had been taking T. out to the movies on occasion and he enjoyed that tremendously. He is a little chatter box and wouldnt stop yapping except for the 2h of the flick. He seemed to really blossom around me and his parents too mentioned that he would have good days after we went out.

So i got to thinking. I had my old F601 and a crappy old lens. I wouldnt get any cash for it and its only lying around anyway. And T. really seemed enthused when he got my digicam so what the heck - i decided to give it to him.

Yesterday was just a GORGEOUS day here in Vancouver. Chilly but sunny. A perfect day for some photography. So i called P. and asked him if its ok to take T. for a day out with the cam. He agreed.
So we went over to Surrey to pick up T.
When we arrived he was already waiting all jittery to get going. So was his younger brother, L. who's 8.
When i opened the trunk, pulled out my old cam and gave it to him he was all exited. "For me to shoot with?" he asked. "No, for you to keep for good!" i answered.

I will not forget his expression when he comprehended what i had just said! His eyes wide open, his face glowing with a grin that spread around his face!!! Yes, AROUND his face..not just from ear to ear!! he could believe it! it wasnt christmas nor birthday. well maybe for him yesterday was both!
Of course i didnt forget L. either. i had a little cheap cam that i found at work. A plastic thing with a crappy zoom. But L. didnt mind. He was elated too.

so off we went to Centennial Park in Tsawwassen . It was just amazing out there. We got to enjoy taking pictures of a beautiful big eagle sitting in a tree, lots of people on the beach and a great panorama of Vancouver. we spent 2 1/2 hours out and about. Both T. and L. were jumping around in joy, shooting away film like its free to develop and print!!! at the end of the day we had 4 rolls of film, aobut 100 digipix and the parts to make a whole crab!!

when we dropped them off at home and said our goodbyes, i got this monster hug from this little boy. His smile was still going twice around his head and his eyes still showed a happiness only rivelled by a $100 million lottery win!!!!

when the boys's mom asked me how much she owed me for the cam's, all i could do is look at her in astonishment.
"You want to know how much i want for those cam's?" i asked her. "Look at the faces of the two boys - that is all the payment i need!!"

What's the greatest payment in the world? - A SMILE!!!

This weekend i finally managed to keep a promise i made to a kid i sorta kinda decided to Big Brother.
The boy is 11 going on 12 and the son of my father-in-law's nephew. He has a learning disability that prohibits him from accessing any knowledge he gains in a continuous matter. It comes out all scrambled. Because of that he feels "stupid" and has been harrassed in school as well. He feel VERY comfortable around adults who understand his plight. Kids can be so brutal - especially pre-teen who dont understand something due to immaturity.

A few month ago we went over to P. and M.'s new place for a house warming party. I brought my digicam to take pix of everyone there. T. saw it and in his 11 year old enthusiasm bugged me until i gave him the cam. He shot until the battery was empty.

When i got home and downloaded the pictures i was stunned to discover that T. did an amazing job. He instinctively shot at the right angle, the right light and perfectly framed. When i emailed the pix to his parents i asked them if he had ever done any photography and they said "no".
i was amazed!

now i had been taking T. out to the movies on occasion and he enjoyed that tremendously. He is a little chatter box and wouldnt stop yapping except for the 2h of the flick. He seemed to really blossom around me and his parents too mentioned that he would have good days after we went out.

So i got to thinking. I had my old F601 and a crappy old lens. I wouldnt get any cash for it and its only lying around anyway. And T. really seemed enthused when he got my digicam so what the heck - i decided to give it to him.

Yesterday was just a GORGEOUS day here in Vancouver. Chilly but sunny. A perfect day for some photography. So i called P. and asked him if its ok to take T. for a day out with the cam. He agreed.
So we went over to Surrey to pick up T.
When we arrived he was already waiting all jittery to get going. So was his younger brother, L. who's 8.
When i opened the trunk, pulled out my old cam and gave it to him he was all exited. "For me to shoot with?" he asked. "No, for you to keep for good!" i answered.

I will not forget his expression when he comprehended what i had just said! His eyes wide open, his face glowing with a grin that spread around his face!!! Yes, AROUND his face..not just from ear to ear!! he could believe it! it wasnt christmas nor birthday. well maybe for him yesterday was both!
Of course i didnt forget L. either. i had a little cheap cam that i found at work. A plastic thing with a crappy zoom. But L. didnt mind. He was elated too.

so off we went to Centennial Park in Tsawwassen . It was just amazing out there. We got to enjoy taking pictures of a beautiful big eagle sitting in a tree, lots of people on the beach and a great panorama of Vancouver. we spent 2 1/2 hours out and about. Both T. and L. were jumping around in joy, shooting away film like its free to develop and print!!! at the end of the day we had 4 rolls of film, aobut 100 digipix and the parts to make a whole crab!!

when we dropped them off at home and said our goodbyes, i got this monster hug from this little boy. His smile was still going twice around his head and his eyes still showed a happiness only rivelled by a $100 million lottery win!!!!

when the boys's mom asked me how much she owed me for the cam's, all i could do is look at her in astonishment.
"You want to know how much i want for those cam's?" i asked her. "Look at the faces of the two boys - that is all the payment i need!!"

Friday, March 10, 2006

Vancouver weather and Drivers - a receipe for disaster!!

whats going on in Vancouver??? Snow storms, wind storms, rain storms (ok we are used to those!) and then 10 min after all that - SUN!!

man, talk about greenhouse effect!!!

and since the weather brings out the absolut WORST in Vancouver: DRIVERS - might as well rant a little about that.

what is it with people here that as soon as a drop of wet hits the road they become scared driving? i mean - its totally fine to drive CAREFUL! i wish more people would (and yes that includes yours truly who is known all over the province as "the Lead-foot Kid")! But to drive 20 km/h down a major road that is barely flooded with visibility at least 10 feet and then on the FAST (ie: LEFT) lane takes the bacon to the heartattack!

i am sooooooooooo sick of drivers who just dont know the rules of the road - so here they are:

Rule #1: when you see me coming get out of the way! F A S T!
Rule #2: MOVE IT!
Rule #3: F** you, you stupid a**hole - take your ass to the RIGHT lane......

ok..all joking aside:

since i live in BC i am only talking about BC - dont know how it is anywhere else in Canada or the US for that matter (and those guys drive worse then we do!! - ok so i think i am perfect - sue me!) .

here are some suggestions on how to get our accident rates down (i just read that we have 1019 injuries per 100,000 drivers in BC) and maybe get some better drivers on the road:

1) put certified instructors on the roads!!

- in Vancouver alone exist over 450 driving schools. Every Nitwit with a certificate has
his/her own school. I haven't done the reasearch on this, but it cant be THAT difficult to get
certified - you should see some of those instructors out there - they drive worse then their
students!!! And those morons are supposed to teach our youngens to cope in the asphalt
jungle? To live and survive this war between personalized tanks and their commanders?

Teach the teacher proper before you let them lose on some innocent 15 or 16 year old!!!

It doesn't help when a student gets their lesson in a Ford Mustang or RX 7. How about teaching them in a Formula 1 car. Might as well!!!

2) mandatory driving instructions for at least 6 month before anyone is even allowed to
ATTEMPT to take the licensing test:

- i received my driver's training in Germany. I felt at times i was drafted into the
"Wehrmacht" (thats the WW II army that had arguably some of the best trained soldiers in
history). I didnt even get to use the gas or break paddle until my 5th lesson. All i was allowed
to do is steer! IN AN EMPTY PARKING LOT! after 3 lessons i was introduced to the art of
gear- shifting. My driving instructor (i called him "Little Adolf") swore at me every time i
didnt do something right.

Anecdote time-out: i was on the Autobahn - my first time ever - after 5 month of intense driving instructions. So i am out there (shaking like a Maple Leafs Player coming to Vancouver, knowing he gets a well deserved beat'n) and have no idea what to do. I asked my instructor how fast he wanted me to go.
All he said was: "whats the legal speed LIMIT on the German Autobahn?" i answered "130". He responded: "i do NOT want to see you under 150."

Welcome to the Autobahn. Needless to say i was shaking so bad we took the next exit and i had to do it all over again!! Hey....try being 17 and holding a car steady at 60 never mind 160!! DARE YOU!

anyway - i finally managed to go in for my test after 9 month of army like drilling. I failed. BADLY! Had to take more lessons and finally got my license.

Moral of this story: i was so damn well trained that there is nothing out there i am not prepared for when it comes to traffic - weather, bad drivers, off-road or highway. I have the ability to control my car as best as a car can be controlled (barring any acts of G-D!)

3) up the age limit to 18.

4) any driver caught racing get an automatic 5 year ban on driving - Second
offence 10 years ban - Third offense - lifetime.

if you race and kill - mandatory 25 years without eligibility for parole. We dont

even need to go to court...just lock em up!!!

Well....what a long entry this time...holy! well...bad drivers just get to me...My wife and i fight more about my driving habits (fast and furious - my finger is sore after a trip to the store!) then about anything else!

have a wonderful day :-)

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Finally a Decision :-)

well, i finally made the decision about what to do with my blog. I used to be a reporter for local newspapers, so why not try and do something similar! This time though I am going to give me a promotion: EDITOR! wow - i wonder if i can give me the salary of an editor too!!

Since i am hesitant to put toooo much private stuff on here (ie: this is NOT my diary - and until i figure out how to post "private" blogs that my friends can read ~~~~ waving at Jan ~~~~ i wont post private stuff) i am just going to sound off, bitch, whine, rant, poetically trash and politically incorrectly write about anything i feel needs to be said.

This includes anything from "why the hell dont the Canucks pull a damn trade and get rid of Bert already" to "the Yanks condemn all terrorism, hunt terrorists where they can find (and NOT find) them, treat every little Joe like shit at airports and border crossings, yet when an openly terrorist organisation becomes head of state (ie: HAMAS in Palestine) they keep shipping them financial aid and barely wiggle their fingers at them??? (newsflash to G.W.: i am sure the 12178343th combat team doesnt have war experience yet - time for an invasion!!!)

well...let the fun begin. I hope people wont be too offended by any language i may use, any words i will put to blog and/or my strong opinions who vary from "man, someone should have said that years ago" to "man, are you a dumb fucking idiot??"

i dont care which way those that read my blog lean - its my opinion and you damn well better like it!!

cheers until the next rant!