Tuesday, April 04, 2006

A First and I actually enjoyed it!!

The other week we dropped Hershey off at the vet to re-check on an ear infection he had for a while. While there we of course weight him - 80+ lbs...We have a strapping BIG boy!!!

Just for the fun of it I jumped on the scale too - and almost fainted right off it! 200lbs - clothed but still - TWO HUNDRED!
I turned to M. and asked her if she'd really want to know - I mean REALLY want to know. When she said "yes" and I told her - her face just turned to horrified concern with some laughter in there too - she compared me to our Hershey, whose nickname lately has been "Fatso McPorkrind!"

Needless to say - I am shocked. Ever since I quit smoking 5 years ago I had a little belly and going 40 next month doesn't help either (there is to more ideas for blogs!!) but I never thought it was THAT bad.

M is now really after me to start dieting, working out - ANYTHING to loose some weight and maybe avoid a Heartattack at 50 (my dad passed away of the second one at 62!)

So, being the obedient husband that I am (cough) I decided she was right and I was a lazy-assed SOB. I signed up for soccer and the gym at work, will bike in the summer when its a little warmer and will try to eat healthier.

Oh, darn I forgot - lost my thread here - the FIRST I was thinking about!

Y O G A!

Yup - I am strapping on those tights and take my kreeky old bones and stiff ol' muscles to Yoga! I never thought I would do THAT! Come on! you kiddin me? Yoga is for 60's hippie wanna-be's, wiccans and East Indian holy man, right????

nope - it is the thing for me! one lesson and I think I am hooked! It was actually a LOT of fun! I am sore on some places I didn't know I had muscles but it was worth it!
I was relaxed, bend in ways I didn't know I could still bend, calm and at peace at times, laughing with M at others when we looked like a wrongly put-together puzzle.

I understood only half of what our instructor wanted us to do - mostly because she used Yoga terms that we don't know but it was ok! I still have some problem comprehending taking MY roots down to the core of the earth and back again (sounds like a Jules Verne novel!) and letting some golden fireball enter my skull, move down my spine and meet with my roots (doesn't that make a nice brush fire???) but I am more then happy to give it a chance!!

I always had problems relaxing. I don't know why but maybe my shoulders took too much emotional weight on over the years or maybe I am just not a person that relaxes well. But yesterday I almost fell asleep I was that relaxed. It was amazing!

Now, I don't know where this all will lead and maybe in 10 years I will win the Yoga Olympics, have my own Yoga business and become a Guru for millions of little Hippies, but I know one thing - I am more then happy if Yoga will teach me to relax more, be more calm and less angry, be more nimble on my feet and feel better - bodily as well as emotionally!


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