Monday, April 03, 2006

Terrorism - get used to it!

An explosion at Tim hurting in Toronto yesterday seems to have been the suicide of a distraught individual, who by latest rumors (and nothing has been confirmed) doused himself in gas and lit himself up in the washroom.

Nevertheless, today's papers write of panic in Toronto following reports of Terror attacks (yup - it actually didn't have ANYTHING to do with the Maple Leafs!!).

NEWSFLASH: time to get off our fat asses and realize that life isn't all milk and honey in LaLa Land!

Mind you, I have personally experience one Terror attack and grew up with Terrorism on a daily basis. I even vacationed half my life in a country that lives with Terrorism on a daily basis - Israel! So I know from first hand experience what it is like to look over your shoulder all the time, not really scared but still conscious about danger (ok - even a little scared!)

anecdote time: Since I would either be asked about it or write about it anyway might as well make it an anecdote :-)

The year was 1982 - Summer vacation. I was still living in Munich, Germany and my parents took my brother and I to Israel as we did all vacations except winter (when we used to go somewhere else in the world). We are at the Airport and due to the Terror risk with anything related to Israel or Jews, we were at a separated security gate and terminal.

We were lining up to go through passport check and security and I remember to this day seeing this suitcase standing around to the side and thinking "what moron would leave their suitcase standing around unattended. It could get stolen!"
There were about 150 or so people lingering in line or just around the gate waiting to go through (baggage checks inside the secure area took a long time - sometimes over 1h!).
We had finally made it through passport control and the security door closed behind me when a huge explosion ripped through the terminal.

I remember instinctively taking cover, pulling the then-12year-old daughter of close friends toward me, covering her with my body while shattered glass flew all around us (she still to this day keeps reminding me of that!!). I also remembering me being completely calm. I was looking all over for my family and seeing them being ok, I felt complete relief! I also started shaking all of the sudden. Shock and realization of what had happened caught up to me!

The suitcase I had seen standing all alone to the side had blown up! A powerful bomb ripped through the terminal - severely injuring a German Police officer and spraying shrapnel into scores of passengers lounging about in peace.

I DON'T know who was responsible for the attack. All I know is that innocent people get hurt everytime some misguided, brainwashed young person straps a dynamite belt around their waist or drives a car full of TNT towards a roadblock.

I DO know what growing up in Germany being Jewish was like (and still is): submachine-gun toting police officers at my synagogue, at my school and at my club. Armored personnel carriers guarding the airplane I would board to Israel, terrorists trying to kill me while I have lunch in Tel Aviv or Jerusalem.

I DO know that I almost lost my father in a airplane high-jacking in 1972, where he was seriously injured.

I DO know what it feels like to constantly looking over your shoulder thinking this car could blow up and this Palestinian looking person may have a bomb belt strapped to his body. It is not a feel of fear but a feel of uncertainty.

I DO know that 90% of the world don't have an idea what I am talking about! A bomb in a cafe on Robson St.? Someone blowing themselves up at The Bay on Yonge St.? Are you kiddin me??? No, I am NOT kidding - it could happen! It DOES happen among others in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Bali, Iraq, Spain and now even in Toronto.

I DO know one thing with utmost certainty: I will not be afraid! I refuse to give in to fear.
Because when I do - THEY will have won! And no way in hell will I give them that satisfaction. NO CHANCE IN HELL!!


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