Saturday, April 15, 2006

Babysitting Robbie - 42 days and counting

When M. and I married exactly 1 year ago today (and again on Monday), her parents of course joined us in Prague for the weddings.
Afterwards we headed for a few days to Brno - the city near the Austrian border where M.'s mom hails from. Her parents had escaped Communism in the late 60's and made their way to Canada.
They made a wonderful home here and seemed to be happy and content. Until last year!!! While over there, my mother-in-law all of the sudden, after 35+ years in Canada became seriously homesick!

So she decided to buy a small apartment and spent lots of time in the Czech Republic! That of course means that M.'s step-dad has to go over there a lot too! (he would rather stay here in Canada I think!).

HOWEVER, unless they decide to move back to Brno permanently they can't take their dog, brindle boxer Robbie, with them. So M. and I get to babysit him! OY VEY - that's all I have to say. He and Hershey, our chocolate lab, are always trying to get into mischief. That is when they aren't sleeping! To make matters worse, Robbie is a slobberer - and I mean S L O B E R E R! We always have to have a towel ready for his snout!

But the absolute cherry on the cake is the fact that Robbie actually THINKS he is a lap dog. I mean it! All 95lbs of him think he is a Chihuahua. He jumps on you and sits on you and licks you and even falls asleep on you lap.

So we get to babysit this lovable monster for then next 42 days! Two dogs who love playing, getting into mischief, bark at other dogs, pull on their leashes, beg for food and THINK theirs is the couch, not ours! The fact that Robbie has separation anxiety (remember he IS a spoiled rotten lap dog!) doesn't make things easier.

So M and I have decided to start a "Robbie and Hershey Diary" which we will post on here periodically. "The Adventures of M. and M.'s Dogsitting Nightmare" could become a bestseller and an Oprah Book Club entry. I am sure of it!

So stay tuned and enjoy. I am sure we will have some VERY funny stories to tell!

check it all out here:


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Best regards from NY!
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