Thursday, April 27, 2006

DO animals have a sixth sense?

Last night my mother-in-law called me. My in-laws are in the Czech Republic. She didn't sound well so I asked what was wrong? She said that she had an accident and although she was seriously injured she was ok.

My first instincts of course were to call M. and let her know about her mom. After my own initial shock wore off and I realized something astonishing. My in-laws dog, Robbie, had been acting really strange for a couple of days!!!!

Let me elaborate if I may. Robbie is a 95lb brindle boxer, who truly believes he is a lap dog. He is spoiled rotten by my in-laws, is raised more like a child then a dog, cries like a baby when left alone for 1 second and is an overall completely insane dog - but sooooo lovable!

From the first moment we started babysitting him 12 days ago we were prepared for the worst. Separation anxiety, lack of appetite and crying are his trademarks when he isn't around my in-laws.
Strangely enough, none of it came to pass. He adjusted just fine - never even missed his parents. He accepted me as his new lead dog, wuff wuff, had a VERY healthy appetite and couldn't WAIT to play with our chocolate lab, Hershey. At work, where I have to take him because M. can barely hold Hershey in check, he was happy whenever someone came in, wiggling his little tail and trying to lick everyone's face :-)

Anyway, two days ago Robbie started acting kinda weird all of the sudden. He started crying at work a lot - especially when I had to leave him behind a barrier for a minute or two. At walkies he started pulling harder then usual and even snapped at some people who walked past us. Then he threw up his dinner.

This M. and I related to him finally realizing his parents had gone away and he missed them.

Now I am not so sure anymore.

His weirdness began 2 days ago - just about the time my mother-in-law was injured. Ever since, he has been lethargic at times, crying at others and then just plain sad most of the time in between. Only when he sees Hershey does he liven up for a few minutes. Then its back to being sad.

Some people say that animals have a sixth sense. They can see the spirits of the departed. I don't know if that is all true!

What I DO know is that Robbie has been acting strange since my m-I-l got hurt.

Get well soon, Milena!

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